Seasonal transitions can feel like a whirlwind, especially for busy moms - back to school, Christmas vacation, March break, Summer Vacation - seasonal changes are a constant.
Our minds and bodies ebb and flow with the shifts in weather, light and energy.
By responding to the seasons by aligning our self-care routines around them, we can support our overall well-being and improve the our overall energy.
It is important to remember that just like you are the primary decision maker for your kiddos, YOU are the primary person who is responsible for your own energy maintenance and protection - and remember the whole "put your mask on first" lecture.
Yes, I know this can be daunting on top of everyone else’s needs being met.
Happiness and energy start within the home, which as a mother starts with you, and trust me, I know it may feel impossible some days - but mama, the more you prioritize yourself, the more your energy will improve - and you’ll be surprised who else’s attitudes shift along with it 😉
Understanding Seasonal Transitions in TCM
Each season has its own purpose:
In previous lives before technology and consumerism humans lived in harmony with the planet. During these years they observed the cyclical phases and distinct characteristics of each season as it passed year after year.
Each season was found to have its own blue-print; spring sprouts renewal, summer flourishes growth and vitality, autumn provides harvest and winter provides quiet space for deep rest.
Energy Shifts and Your Body:
Seasonal changes can affect mood, energy levels, and immunity.
As moms we are always trying to maintain balance. This seemingly impossible task can feel heavy at any time, but when the seasons are working against us this impact can be felt deeper and greater.
Knowing how these seasonal changes effect our body gives us a toolbox for improving our own personal energy during these transitions.
The Role of Seasons in Self-Care:
As a new mom implementing my Traditional Chinese Medicine theory into my parenting routines has been game changing for our family.
As a student my favourite theory was ‘Five Element Theory’ which describes how the natural rhythms of the seasons play out in our human form.
Just like our bodies have a daily circadian rhythms, they also have seasonal rhythms. Using the natural rhythm of the seasons gives an energetic structure to follow.
These rhythms play a role on our mental and physical health, but when we work with them - we can support our mental health, energy levels, and immunity during the seasonal transitions.
Self-Care for Distracted and Tired Moms Through the Seasons
Tailoring Self-Care to the Seasons
Here’s a list of 5 self-care acts for each of the 5 Element Seasons—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—focusing on nourishing mental and physical health:
Spring - Wood Element
Spring energy is all about growth, renewal, and upward energy - think about all the plants sprouting, buds blooming and the fresh energy that comes with smell of spring.
During the transition into Spring these 5 recommendations can help improve your overall energy, mood, and immunity!
Eat your Greens! Spring is all about cleansing, help support this process by incorporating lots of fresh, green veggies like kale, spinach, and sprouts.
Pro tip: This is a great time of year to add green smoothies into your daily routine.
Restorative Movement: Movement helps our body to process stagnant emotions, during the Spring transition we should have a primary focus on opening the chest and sides allowing our ‘Qi’ to flow smoothly. Exercises such as gentle stretching, Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong will help to aid our body with the natural cleansing of the Spring.
Acupressure Point: Liver 3 (Tai Chong): Located between the big toe and second toe, this point helps regulate emotions and irritability. It improves the communication and flow in the body and helps move stagnant energy.
Essential Oil: Peppermint: Peppermint is a fantastic oil to awaken your senses and clear stagnant energy (just remember to avoid your eyes!)
Pro tip: Dab a little HIGH quality DILUTED peppermint oil on the tip of your ear, or the Acupuncture point listed above.
Journaling: Spring is a great time for planning and vision boarding. Write about your goals and the areas of life where you seek growth.
Pro tip: Make sure you keep them where you can see them to stay on track towards your growth as the seasons and our routines change.
Summer - Fire Element
Summer embodies joy, warmth, and is all about expansion. Think about the Joy that summer brings with its bounty and beauty, Summer is the season of the heart.
During the transition into Summer these 5 recommendations can help improve your overall energy, mood, and immunity!
Hydrate with Cooling Foods: Summer is all about expansion and warmth. Drink your food - lots of fresh smoothies with coconut water. Watermelon, cucumber, and mint are also great snacks for nourishing and cooling down the body.
Pro tip: Peppermint water is a great trick for keeping cool during the hot summer months.
Playful Movement: Summer is all about joy so move in ways that make you smile. Dance, swim and laugh. This is the season to enjoy the busy - be around people, soak in the sun, stay up a little later. Enjoy yourself.
Acupressure Point: Heart 7 (Shen Men): Known as the “Spirit Gate,” this point calms the mind and eases anxiety. Located on the wrist crease on the pinky side, this point is great for reducing stress.
Essential Oil: Lavender: Use a HIGH quality lavender oil to calm the mind and soothe the body. Lavender helps balance the fiery energy of summer.
Pro tip: Place it on the tip of your ear on the wrist as mentioned above.
Outdoor Connection: It is important to spend time in nature during every season, but especially summer. Spend time outside in nature soaking up the fresh life. The warmth and beauty of nature nourishes your spirit (Shen) and ignites your inner fire.
Late Summer - Earth Element
Late Summer energy is also known as mid-season energy. This season is about grounding, nourishment, and balance. It’s the beginning time of transition from light to dark.
During the transition into Late-Summer these 5 recommendations can help improve your overall energy, mood, and immunity!
Warm, Nourishing Foods: Late-Summer is all about quality nourishment for the months ahead. Think root veggies, squash, and soups that provide comfort and are easy to digest.
Pro tip: Focus on warmer foods and beverages during this time. We want to begin building our inner warmth for the winter months ahead before it begins to cool off around us.
Gentle Walking or Qigong: As we transition from the active seasons and enter into the darker and slower ones it is important to take a lesson from our environment. Focus on slower, more mindful movements to help you stay grounded. Pro tip: Start a slow and sustainable practice for the cooler months ahead. Something that leaves you feeling fresh and nourished instead of extreme exertion.
Acupressure Point: Stomach 36 (Zu San Li): This point is my go to point for digestion and immunity in all clinical cases. It’s located on the leg, below the knee, and is a powerhouse for overall well-being.
Pro tip: It is said that the ancients would massage this point when they were out on expedition and they were tiring out but still needed to get further.
Essential Oil: Ginger: Ginger is a great tool for warming you up from the inside out. Use this warming oil for a sense of stability and to boost digestive fire.
Pro tip: Use a HIGH quality and DILUTED Ginger essential oil rubbed over your lower abdomen, placed on the ear or the Acupuncture point mentioned above.
Mindful Eating: The Late-Summer season is all about nourishment. Practice slowing down and savouring your food, chewing thoroughly to nourish the spleen and stomach.
Pro tip: Our body only works at digesting one thing at a time (mental or physical) so avoid eating while driving or studying as it inhibits the bodies ability to transform and transport nutrients appropriately.
Metal Element (Autumn)
Autumn is the season of letting go and introspection - think about the trees and plants letting go of their leaves as they prepare for the darker and colder months ahead. It is the official transition from the light portion of the year into the dark.
During the transition into Autumn these 5 recommendations can help improve your overall energy, mood, and immunity!
Eat White Foods: Foods that are white in colour are especially nourishing during the Autumn season. Pears, daikon radish, and white beans are all very nourishing and help to moisten the body in the dry autumn climate.
Pro tip: Baby food pouches are a great quick and healthy snack option - grab some pear pouches and add a little sprinkle of cinnamon… delicious and super nourishing!
Breathing Exercises: Autumn governs the Lungs channel. Deep, mindful breathing supports lung health and helps release stored grief and sadness. It can be used to strengthen our immunity and overall wellbeing.
Acupressure Point: Lung 9 (Tai Yuan): Located at the wrist crease, this point strengthens the lungs and helps with overall energy. If you interlace your thumbs the point is located approximately where the pointer finger falls.
Pro tip: This point is great for any conditions associated with the lungs, so is a great place to put pressure or essential oils when sick or struggling with congestion/allergies.
Essential Oil: Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus oil is fantastic to open the lungs and clear any congestion - both physically and emotionally. This oil can be placed on the ear, but is most effective rubbed into the bottom of the feet, chest or back.
Pro tip: Always remember to use HIGH quality and dilute oils when using them topically.
Declutter: When we follow the patterns of nature, our actions feel more natural. As trees let go of their leaves, use this time to clear out old, stagnant energy from your home or mind.
Pro tip: If you haven’t worn it or used it in 5 years - it can probably GO! ALSO! If your kiddos collect toys - start posting them for sale as they start to grow out of them - earn a little extra cash and clear space as they grow.
Water Element (Winter)
The Winter season is all about rest, reflection, and replenishing reserves. It is represented by the colour black and it is important to slow down and nourish during these darker days.
Warm, Salty Foods: Anything and everything soft and warm. Think soups, bone broths, and seaweed that nourish Water energy and build those strong foundational reserves up.
Pro tip: The longer and slower you roast/stew/boil something the more “warmth” is added to it - so cook long and slow during these dark times.
Restorative Yoga or Meditation: Follow the rhythms of nature - focus on gentle, restorative practices that conserve energy and promote inner stillness. Try to take a lesson from the silence of the snow around you.
Pro tip: Don’t try to start any new extreme exercise programs - the season is not in your favour - wait until February/March to start setting big Fitness-Resolutions.
Acupressure Point: Kidney 3 (Tai Xi): This point is located about a pinky fingers length behind the highest point of your inner ankle. It is great for supporting and strengthening overall water and foundational energy.
Essential Oil: Frankincense: Just as is mentioned in the Bible, Frankincense is almost as valuable as gold when it comes to its diverse healing properties. Use this grounding oil to help calm the mind and enhance a deeper sense of inner peace during these dark months.
Deep Rest: Make time for extra sleep and relaxation. HA! I know, joke right - no, really tho! Be kind to yourself, allow yourself to slow down and rest more during the day - allow yourself to sleep in if you get the chance.
Winter is the time to hibernate and rebuild your reserves for the year ahead. Just like many animals go into hibernation it is natural for humans to slow down and stay close to the warmth of their homes during the cold season.
Pro tip: If you are out and get a chill - get into a warm shower AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and stand under the hot running water until you FEEL that chill exit your body. Cold invasion is one of the leading contributing factors to women’s pain/irregularity complaints that I see in clinic - so stay warm!
Quick Self-Care Tips for Moms:
The above simple, actionable ideas are easy to implement during the seasonal transitions and continue to implement throughout the season to help improve your health and happiness.
Small action steps like changing your diet with the seasons, deep breathing exercises, intentional moments of mindfulness, and application of seasonal oils are easy to incorporate into a busy day and make impactful changes to both you and your children’s lives.
Because when Mamma is happier and healthier - kiddos are happier and healthier.
Embrace the Transition, Empower Your Health
Seasonal transitions are an opportunity to nurture yourself, reconnect with your body, and restore balance.
It is important as the life source of the family that YOU are pouring into YOU.
This “me first” doesn’t always look like you may envision it - IE. a spa day.
Something as simple as being a little more liberal with massage while washing your face every morning, being a little more intentional around the way we prepare food seasonally, and applying an oil to our feet and bodies regularly.
These small but impactful changes can create huge shifts in your mental and physical energy so that together as mamas we are not just surviving but thriving.
I recommend reviewing the above seasons again and choosing one to three of the five recommendations listed.
By following the above recommendations for this season you’ll be surprised how your energy improves.
For some of us we will naturally follow these shifts already - for example all us #PumpkinSpice lovers are following that natural progression into the warmer flavours of fall!
But, for others this may be the first you are hearing about these patterns or noticing these seasonal changes that occur - and thats okay!
It only means going forward you have this information in your parenting toolbox and can now put into practice self-care that truly nourishes!